I have interviewed Jee Soo Lee who works in Naver Inc. She is the public relationship writer at Naver. Naver is the biggest network company in Korea; it is dominated in Korea and even more popular than Google in Korea. She was a very creative person. As soon as she met me, she threw me a very simple picture and told me to describe about that picture for five minutes. I spoke very slowly and described every atmosphere and characters in this picture, but it was last for about two minutes. There were four people on the bench; this picture is so simple so there was nothing else I could talk about besides people. When she describes the picture, she started to talk about the weather that it will rain because clothes they wore. I thought she should be a detective instead of writer but when she talks about each person’s mood, I could see how creative she was.

She believes that being creative can be learned but without effort you cannot be creative. She always grabbed a random picture and writes random stories on her diary.  She had done that for ten years, but when she looked back on her diary, there were always different stories were created. She does not set specific times to think creative or brain storming. She usually thinks creatively when she walks to her office or on the way back home. Her habitual motion is carrying a diary and a pen. She writes everything what she thought. She believes that creative idea comes out really quick and also forgettable really quick. So she writes as soon as creative idea comes out. She was only 30 years old, but she had promoted in director of PR teams which is very high status. Based on her interview, I learned how important to put effort in order to be creative person. From today, I am going to carry a diary and a pencil and whenever I thought creative ideas, I am going to write down.